The parish church A few numbers... The Danish word for parish, sogn , comes from the verb søge meaning to seek together. Thus, "parish" is used for the area where people... Visit a church online Visit a church online Martin Treacherous geese A culinary tradition... Martinmas Eve (in Danish mortensaften ) is celebrated on November 10, the evening before St. Martin's Day. Saint Martin of Tours – Morten &... Martinmas Eve Martinmas Eve of the Trinity Jesus' life and actions Harvest or creation services... Trinity Sunday (in Danish Trinitatis søndag ) is a day that celebrates and honours the Holy Trinity. We commemorate and celebrate God who is three... Trinity Sunday and Trinity Season Trinity Sunday is one office in the Lutheran Church. This office includes both pastors and bishops. Denmark is divided into 10 dioceses, each presided over by a... Church office Church office parishes and dioceses in Denmark are connected to Christian congregations in other countries around the world. Through these friendship relations... Friendship congregations Friendship concregations days before Easter Fasting and the church New traditions Annunciation Day... The season of Lent (in Danish fastetiden or simply faste ) is the period between Quinquagesima Sunday and Easter , a period of... Lent Lent's creation Local initiatives going green Global responsibility Want to take responsibility?... The Bible teaches that the earth and everything on it, the sea and everything in it have been created by God. The creation stories in Genesis... Church, environment and climate change Church, environment and climate change for and with people in need The social work of the parish church Social work at a national level If you need help or want to help... The social work of the church is called diaconia, which is a Greek word that means "service". The way the Church meets and serves people is inspired by... Social work Social work world was created by God and the world was created good. The belief in creation originates from the creation stories in Genesis, the first book in... 1. Creation 8. The doctrine of justification 3. The two-nature doctrine of Christ 9. The priesthood of all believers Ten important dogmas 5. Resurrection baptised into the church Baptism and teaching... Normally, you become a member of the established church by being baptised into it, usually as a child, but otherwise as a teenager or an adult... Not a member of any church or not baptised Not a member, not baptised