University chaplains Student congregations... By Elisa Morberg Wejse, former university chaplain at Aarhus University Life as a student may be hard, especially if you are an exchange student in a foreign... Student work Student work Martin Treacherous geese A culinary tradition... Martinmas Eve (in Danish mortensaften ) is celebrated on November 10, the evening before St. Martin's Day. Saint Martin of Tours – Morten &... Martinmas Eve Martinmas Eve primary responsibility of the sexton is that of laying out and maintaining the churchyard. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark... The sexton Who works in the church The verger The pastor Volunteers The church musician The sacristan Who works in the church The parish helper parish church A few numbers... The Danish word for parish, sogn , comes from the verb søge meaning to seek together. Thus, "parish" is used for the area where people... Visit a church online Visit a church online kunne ikke finde det, du ledte efter. Det kan skyldes, at siden ikke findes, at den er flyttet eller at linket er skrevet forkert. Hvis du selv har... Siden blev ikke fundet Siden blev ikke fundet The Sunday service Church personnel The church building Miscellaneous... Q: How do I become a member, and what does it cost? A: To become a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark you will have to contact the pastor... Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions of the Trinity Jesus' life and actions Harvest or creation services... Trinity Sunday (in Danish Trinitatis søndag ) is a day that celebrates and honours the Holy Trinity. We commemorate and celebrate God who is three... Trinity Sunday and Trinity Season Trinity Sunday celeration of the Holy Spirit The birthday of the Church Pentecost in the church A dancing Pentecost sun... At Pentecost (in Danish pinse ) we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. The festival falls 50 days after Easter . The words pinse... Pentecost Pentecost does a parish helper do?... The parish helper (in Danish: sognemedhjælper ) is involved in all sorts of activities that mostly take place during the week. S/he may... The parish helper The parish helper happens in confirmation? Preparing for confirmation Part of the church service... Confirmation means "saying yes". In confirmation God's promise to the individual made at baptism is confirmed: God confirms his promise to be with the... Confirmation Confirmation