More on Genealogy... To search for a person in the archives, some basic information is required. This is due to the nature of the records in the Danish State Archives. The... What basic information is needed What basic information is needed of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Belonging to a parish... You can become a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark if you have received Christian baptism in another church, here or abroad. You do... Member of another church Member of another church membership Leaving the church... If you are a member of an Evangelical Lutheran church abroad, you automatically become a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark when you... Member of a Lutheran church abroad Member of Lutheran church abroad church vocabulary... A advent advent allehelgen(sdag) All Saints' Day alter altar alterbrød host, altar bread alterbæger goblet, cup altertavle altarpiece altervin altar wine... Danish-English vocabulary names, old handwriting and genealogy terminology can turn out to be a challenge in searching the records. To search for a person in the archives... Good to know Genealogy What basic information is needed Where to find information How to find information Genealogy Lutheran churches English services in Danish churches Migrant churches The Danish church abroad... To find your local parish church or another church, go to . In the left hand menu, click Find dit sogn (Find your parish), enter... Find a church Find a church rights Membership subscription Leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church... Everybody can make use of the church for church services and may participate in the Christian community in various ways. In addition to this, as a member... Membership rights and subscription Rights and subscription Danish Patient Safety Authority reported 442 new cases of coronavirus on Wednesday evening, bringing the number of people in quarantine to 1,303. ... Churches are canceling services due to Corona virus on Genealogy... Parish Registers and Population Censuses are digitized through scanning microfiches and microfilms. The digitization project continues, and not all Parish... How to find information How to find information important churches Ten important churches