Venø Kirke. Foto: Tommy Hansen, Wikimedia Commons
Danish Lutheran churches
To find your local parish church or another church, go to sogn.dk. In the left hand menu, click Find dit sogn (Find your parish), enter your address and click Søg (Search). This gives you the name of the parish you belong to and a link to a page (in Danish) about the parish church. This page allows you to find further information about the address, website, pastor(s) etc. of the church. If, instead of clicking Find dit sogn, you choose Søg kirke in the left-hand menu, you have the option of entering the name of a church and finding information about it.

Migrant churches
To find a migrant church, go to migrantmenigheder.dk. Click on the map to get to the page where you find the search function. You arrive straight on the map page, with options to search and filter with different categories, like denomination, language, etc. You can perform a search according to name or location (Søg på navn eller by), denomination (Kirkeretning), diocese (I stift) or language of the church service (Gudstjenestesprog).

English services in Danish churches
Tværkulturelt Center (The Intercultural Christian Centre Denmark) has a list of services in English in Danish Lutheran churches that is updated on a yearly basis. It contains information about the time and place of each service as well as the pastor's name and telephone number. In the left-hand menu, click In English; on the next page, choose Services in English in Danish churches. In addition to the churches on the list, some churches in Aarhus, and possibly other cities too, will also offer English language services or a translation of the sermon into English.

The Danish church abroad
If you live abroad and want to find out if there is a Danish Lutheran church nearby, visit the website of The Danish Church Abroad / Danish Seamen's Church (Danske Sømands- og Udlandskirker, DSUK). The Danish Church Abroad / Danish Seamen's Church is present in 53 locations; the website allows you to find a church by choosing between six different entries (e.g. continents). Begin by choosing In English in the left hand menu. Click on Our churches.