There are many contact persons throughout the country who are happy to welcome you and introduce you to the Danish church. For example pastor Birgitte Møldrup in the parish of Kollerup-Vindelev (photo).
The Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Denmark is present everywhere in the country. In every city and in every town there is a local church. Furthermore, there are pastors all over the country who work specifically with immigrants, refugees and newcomers.
Contact persons
If you are new in Denmark and you want to visit a church or want to find a local church community, you can reach out to one of the contact persons below. The list of contacts is divided into dioceses (refer to the ecclesiastical district under the jurisdiction of a bishop.)
Karen Huus, pastor in Gellerup Church, Aarhus
Telephone: + 45 86 25 10 35
E-mail: kaeh@km.dk
Other pastors in Diocese of Aarhus
Peter Fischer-Nielsen, pastor in Højbjerg and Elsborg
Telephone: + 45 23 99 88 40
E-mail: pfn@km.dk
Simon Kristian Blix Nielsen, pastor in Frederikshavn Deanery. Telephone: +4529901630. E-mail: skn@km.dk
Birgitte Rosager Møldrup, pastor for migrants, parish of Kollerup-Vindelev, Jelling
Telephone: + 45 75 87 15 28
E-mail: brm@km.dk
Michael Markussen, pastor in Simon Peters Church, Kolding
Telephone: + 45 75 52 50 61
E-mail: mima@km.dk
Peter Sode Jensen, leader of Folkekirkens Tværkulturelle Center
Telephone: + 45 81 40 30 39
E-mail: pmje@km.dk
Vacant at the moment. Contact Diocese of Funen, email: kmfyn@km.dk.
Kasper Høyer, pastor in Vesterborg-Landet-Ryde, Lolland
Telephone: + 45 54 93 93 45
E-mail: kmh@km.dk
Olga Grygorieva, pastor in Rødby Sogn, Lolland (on maternity leave)
E-mail: olgr@km.dk
David Varming Winsløw, pastor in Ølsemagle Kirke, Køge
Telephone: + 45 29 74 49 09
E-mail: dvw@km.dk
More contact persons in Diocese of Roskilde
Eva Marie Kyed Østerlind, leader of Hvidovrekirkernes Tværkulturelle Fællesskab, pastor in Hvidovre Kirke
Telephone: +45 30 30 28 88
E-mail: evmo@km.dk
Sacha Borup Grønlund-Arndal, pastor in Haraldskirken, Gladsaxe
Tlf.: +45 23 37 83 01.
E-mail: sabg@km.dk
Elisabeth Krarup de Medeiros, pastor in Brøndby Strand Kirke
Telephone: +45 61 16 00 37
E-mail: ek@km.dk
Copenhagen and Bornholm
Niels Nymann Eriksen, pastor in Apostelkirken, Vesterbro
Telephone: + 45 23 48 04 81
E-mail: nne@km.dk
Peter Hauge Madsen, pastor in Rønne, Bornholm
Telephone: + 45 56 95 83 95
E-mail: phma@km.dk
Other contacts
Søren Dalsgaard, National coordinator of the Christian Migrant Network
Telefon: + 45 30 20 82 47
E-mail: sd@interchurch.dk
The Intercultural Christian Centre is a national network of Danish Lutheran churches, international/migrant churches and Christian NGOs. Read more here.
Birthe Munck-Fairwood, Coordinator in Intercultural Christian Centre.
Telephone: +45 35 36 65 35 or +45 30 32 52 54
E-mail: info@tvaerkulturelt-center.dk